Hi there! I’m Jorden Nix. A long time lover of social media and using it as not only a way to connect to others but also as a resource of knowledge and inspiration. I started blogging in 2024 to catalog what I do in my little corner of the world!

On this site, you will find recipes, tips on managing a kid filled house (and it not managing you), vacation ideas and inspiration,comraderie in both parenting 4 kids at once and parenting twins, a lots of other lessons in life!

I started this blog as a way to document my travels and baking! I hope that it becomes more than that and can be used as a resource and inspirations for others.

My blog is for any one who is looking to travel with their family, for someone wanting to try baking new things, or for people who want to focus on the efficiency of their home or lives!

If you’re new here, check out this blog post about how I started out!